All About Attabey

Name: Attabey Rodriguez Benitez
Age: 20
Favorite Food: Anything made with plantain, mofongo in example. 
TV: Sherlock BBC, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, How I met your mother, big bang theory and the list keep going and going. 
Movies: Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, Inception, and if it is above 7.0 I would probably watch it. 
Games: Portable: DS Console: Xbox 
Superhero: DC: Batman Marvel: Iron Man
Book: I can't just choose one! Is like asking a mother to say which of her children is her favorite. 

A Little bit more about me: 

     As I already said, my name is Attabey but most of the people call me atta. I have a dog named Watson, no I'm not obsessed with Sherlock...suuuureee, he is like my child. I am currently studying Chemistry and I'm looking forward to be the next mad scientist...jk there xD. Besides science I also love to do sports like surfing and fencing.I am open minded, have very selective memory, I'm very bad with names, and I'm good with crafts. I also have problems getting to the end of a movie and returning them if it is rented. I love doing new things now and then and overall I'm happy with just being me. 


“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” 
― Oscar Wilde


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